Thursday, September 11, 2008

The advantages of Su Jok

The advantages of Su Jok therapy are:
• Su Jok virtually gives instant relief, in 4 - 16 sessions.
• There are no side effects; and there are no reports or tests to undergo.
• Su Jok is considered as an advancement in the arena of acupuncture.
• When compared to other holistic methods of healing Sujok is simple and uncomplicated.
• SuJok therapy is accurate and effective.
• This method is economical and within the reach of the common man.

Su Jok treatment has become so simple that you can treat yourself with your fingers for common ailments like a headache, stomach ache or even stress. Now Su Jok therapy can be used for treating at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

To learn acupressure it takes 20 to 25 days while learning Su Jok therapy takes only about 20 minutes. In the former you have to remember at least 150 points and if pressure is applied at wrong point, you may damage the nerve. Here points are self-revealing. One does not need to remember them. By applying slight pressure the sensitive points can be found out.

Anyone can easily learn and practise it. So, prompt relief from pain is just a hand’s throw away. Go for it!

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