Thursday, September 11, 2008


Su Jok therapy is the last achievement of the eastern medicine. It is better than all known self-treatment methods and is the most powerful way to keep fit with no help .

Su Jok therapy is elaborated as a healing method by the Korean scientist - professor doctor Park Jea Woo - and has been defined as one of the great medical discoveries of 20 th century.

SIMPLE, EASY TO UNDERSTAND - you can learn it for a couple of hours and it is not necessary to have medical education. It is so easy to understand that in Russia (where it has been widely spread) the therapy is being successfully learned at some kindergartens and since 1997 it has been taught at many of the secondary schools.

PRACTICAL - you can carry out medical procedures while watching TV, while walking or talking with friends.

- not only by the treatment of the common illnesses, which "chase" us in our daily round but also with cases difficult to cure even by the modern medicine - including some cancer diseases. Often the curing effect is immediate and proves itself by the very first procedure.

WIDE-SPECTRUM - the su jok therapy can cure almost every disease. With the help of this therapy every organ, every single part of the body can be cured.

HARMLESS - even if you don't practise it right, it won't do any harm to you. It will simply do no good. According to professor Zhanaidarov (president of the su jok association in Kazakhstan) su jok erases the borderline between self-treatment, which the official medicine doesn't approve and prophylaxis, which is encouraged by this medicine.

Up t ill now in the history of mankind such a treating method ha sn`t existed, a method so simple, convenient to use, practical and efficient. That`s why su jok therapy is defined as one of the great medical discoveries of 20 th century.


The su jok therapy consists of two levels differentiating by their indicators, possibilities and complexity.
The first level is constructed on the basis of correspondence systems located on the hands and feet. It is very easy to be learned and can be used by everyone without special preparation. The first level is represented in Plamen Ivanov's book - Su jok and moxa - self-treatment guide.
With the first su jok level each disease with an exact address can be treated. So it is necessary to know where its starting point is, which organ or part of the body is diseased. However it doesn't matter what the nature of the disease is. From the point of view of the first su jok therapy level there is no difference if your stomach has ulcer, gastritis or something else. The healing impulses created through the stimulation of the pain su jok points attack the disease no matter what it is.
With the fisrt level of su jok can be successfully healed local diseases of the: eyes, brain, rhinopharynx, ears, teeth, sinuses, all endocrines, respiratory organs, lung, heart, spleen, kidneys, bladder, ovaries, genitals, skin, limbs, spinal column and all other organs that we haven't mentioned but which have their projections on the hands and feet. It's enough to locate the projection of the diseased organ on your hand or foot to find the pain points, which have appeared there and to stimulate them.
With the first level of the su jok therapy can't be healed: diseases spread on vast zones and entire body systems, unknown symptoms, diseases that led to irreversible organic changes of the tissues.
The second level of the su jok therapy is based on the energies, circulating in human body. It is more complicated than the first level but it can also be learned and used on your own.
Unlike the first level, which despite its high effectiveness has some limitations, with the second one can also be cured diseases spread on vast body areas, diseases affected entire body systems, several diseases at the same time, pathological disorders can be successfully influenced.
Further we will introduce in details the second level of the su jok therapy to the visitors of our site. We are getting ready for publishing a practical guide for independent learning of the method.


Su means Hand & Jok means Foot in Korean language.


Simply touch the tip of your thump with that of the index finger of any hand, or both the hands, gently (all these points on our fingertips correspond to our brain). After a few seconds, one can feel pulsation at these points.

Close your eyes for a minute. Repeat this action for few times and see the miraculous result.

Amplifying the Energy of the Chakras

Chakras are the subtle energy centers of the body.  The ancient Indian Yogis understood the nature of the subtle energy which drives all biological function.  They called these centers “Chakras” which literally means “ wheels.”   Those who see energy often perceive the chakras as spinning with a wheel-like appearance.

This energy is most commonly referred to as chi or prana and it is the animating force behind all living things. Physiologists who search for a purely physical explanation of all biological activity are on a fool’s quest, like a man dissecting a piano in order to find the concerto hidden inside.  The mystery is vast.

Somewhat like Dr. Abraham Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” which moves from survival, to sex, to emotional well-being, etc., the chakras have a similar hierarchy.

  • The first chakra at the base of the spine vibrates with the energy of safety and security.
  • The second chakra across from the genitals holds the energy of sex, procreation and creativity.
  • The third chakra at the solar plexus carries the energy of emotional expression.
  • The fourth chakra at the heart vibrates love.
  • The fifth chakra is at the throat and holds the energy of communication.
  • The sixth chakra is at the “ third eye” between the brows and holds energy for insight, awareness and wisdom. 
  • The seventh chakra is at the crown of the head and  and helps us open to our spirituality.   

Most people who are familiar with the chakras do not realize that you can activate and amplify the energy of the chakras to assist yourself and others for the purpose of healing.  Since energy follows thought, when you put your attention into the chakras, you are also bringing energy there.  Since breath carries the life-force energy, breathing may also amplify the energy.  When you have learned to link powerful body awareness exercises with focused breathing, and vortex the chakras, the energy you generate becomes remarkable

The advantages of Su Jok

The advantages of Su Jok therapy are:
• Su Jok virtually gives instant relief, in 4 - 16 sessions.
• There are no side effects; and there are no reports or tests to undergo.
• Su Jok is considered as an advancement in the arena of acupuncture.
• When compared to other holistic methods of healing Sujok is simple and uncomplicated.
• SuJok therapy is accurate and effective.
• This method is economical and within the reach of the common man.

Su Jok treatment has become so simple that you can treat yourself with your fingers for common ailments like a headache, stomach ache or even stress. Now Su Jok therapy can be used for treating at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

To learn acupressure it takes 20 to 25 days while learning Su Jok therapy takes only about 20 minutes. In the former you have to remember at least 150 points and if pressure is applied at wrong point, you may damage the nerve. Here points are self-revealing. One does not need to remember them. By applying slight pressure the sensitive points can be found out.

Anyone can easily learn and practise it. So, prompt relief from pain is just a hand’s throw away. Go for it!

Relax. Why not try Su Jok therapy for a change?

Su Jok is a Korean healing science, popularized by Park Jae Woo, who encapsulated the teachings of acupuncture. Acupuncture uses the entire body to heal, whereas Su Jok can now heal by treating just two fingers.

Delhi-based Dr Pradeep Sharma, president of the Su Jok Association of India, says that a lot of diseases can be cured by this therapy.

The fingers used are the index and middle finger of the left hand; and the ring and little finger of the right hand.

“The body consists of five elements and whenever there is an imbalance of these elements - there is pain/disease,” says Dr Sharma. “This therapy provides a metaphysical cure of the problem, be it stress, asthma, cold etc.”

The concise form of Su Jok uses minute equipment - the smallest of needles, magnets and colour rings. Dr Sharma says his tiny needles are sterilized by gamma rays and the magnet, which is the size of a nail, is powerful enough to heal you instantly.


SixKi, the unique concept originated by Prof. Park, whose nature if understood properly can explain the cause of disease and ways to cure it. Life is existing in earth only because of the existence of harmonized SixKi. Since other planets don't have harmonized SixKi life don't exist there. Using SixKi theory any disease can be diagnosed and treated in the simplest way even by a novice.

Iridology - Iris Analysis

The science of Iridology adds a very significant analysis in the general constitution of the human body and is now currently practiced as a healing and preventative health care modality in many countries throughout the world.

The medical doctor named Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1907) from Egernar, near Budapest, Hungary has proved the basis of the method and proposed his own iris zones projection chart although rather primitive from modern point of view but relatively reliable. The scientist's biographers give rather interesting legend determined the mission of the future founder of modern iridology.

While studying in the Viennese University and working in the surgery hospital, Peczely started to investigate the patient's iris changes depending on different diseases. He has found that each part of the body as well as each organ correspond to the determined iris segment. As a result the first iris chart was developed making him a founder of modern iridology. In 1880 Peczely published a book describing principles of diagnostics using iris. The main attention of his work was the location and form of iridological signs. Later he has published a manual on iris diagnostics where he wrote as epigraph that eyes are not only mirroring of the soul but of the body as well. This work was met by icy silence of contemporaries.

Another important page to iridology history was added by Swedish pastor N. Liljequist. 'A man can lie but his eyes never lie' was his answer to those who were interested in the reasons of his interest to the iridology. He has developed more detailed and reliable iridology chart independently from Peczely, determined the position of digestive tract in ciliary belt and proved that organic defect should be visible in the eyes. The color iris analysis firstly described in his fundamental book on diagnostics on eye (1897) has extended the ability to find toxic and toxic-allergic changes in the organism. The pastor was one of the first who warned that total unorganized vaccination and large doses of drugs can cause many allergic diseases in the future.

Every science remains in significance on a set of theoretical hypotheses that form its foundation and philosophy. It represents the particular context of theories, observations, experiments and tentative assumptions. Those that have extensively investigated Iridology believe its major hypotheses have already been verified by experience and by comparison with other diagnostic methods.

According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, the Central Hypotheses of Iridology are:

Hypothesis 1 
The iris reveals, through changes in pigment and structure, abnormal conditions of tissue in the human body.

Hypothesis 2
The anterior of the iris reflexly corresponds in the systematic organization of its topography to the major tissue structures the body. For example, each organ, gland and tissue is represented in a specific location in the left or right iris, or both. The chart indicated below is self-explanatory. 

*** The documentation in support of these two central hypotheses is established on the work of hundreds of primary health care professionals that have used Iridology successfully as a diagnostic aid with thousands of patients in the past 100 years. The observations and research of iridologist have been published in many books and professional journals. 

Hypothesis 3
Organs and tissues on the left half of the body are reflexly represented in the left iris, while those of the right half of the body are represented in the right iris. Organs and tissues lying along the centreline of the body, the sagittal plane, appear in both irides, as do bilateral organs.

*** Again, this hypothesis is based upon the findings and empirical observations of hundreds of Iridologists. The research of Walter Lang (Die anatomischen und physiologischen Grunglagen Der Augendiagnostik) proposes a set of neural pathways that would account for the physiological eye changes associated with both disease states and abnormal tissue conditions. Lang indicates that afferent autonomic nerve impulses from the various organs and tissues of the body reach the anterior thalamic nuclei of the diencephalon. It therefore acts as a "file cabinet" or storage area on all anatomical conditions. Lang further suggests that this information is transmitted to the hypothalamus, which functions as a central relay and control station of the brain. Nerve impulses from the hypothalamus follow pathways via the oculomotor nucleus and the Edinger-Westphal nucleus to the muscles, stroma and blood vessels of the irides, where they stimulate topographical tissue changes, corresponding to specific organ and tissue changes elsewhere in the body. Lang shows that areas of the iris can be differentiated to correspond to the various organs and tissues by definition that a single iris nerve fiber (over 28,000) controls only 5 to 10 muscle cells as compared to 200 - 300 muscle cells in the extremities. This means that changes reflexed to the iris are highly specific to certain zones. However the neural system organization is the same in all human beings, the same tissue areas of the body will always reflex to the same areas of the irides.

Hypothesis 4
The anterior iris, including the anterior epithelium, the stroma, the muscle layer, the pupillary margin, the autonomic nerve wreath (collarette), and the scleral-iris margin undergo specific changes corresponding to pathological changes in specific organs and tissues in the body.

*** Again, this hypothesis is based upon findings and empirical observations of hundreds of Iridologists. Iridologists have distinguished that the iris changes due to pathological deterioration of body tissue. This shows as a whiteness (acute) in the iris fibers, then an increasing darkness (sub-acute -> chronic -> degenerative) and the depth of iris lesions. In the past, Iridologists have also stated that they have witnessed changes due to reversal pathology (emergence of healing lines.) in the same iris lesions after successful treatment. In many cases these findings are confirmed with other commonly accepted diagnostic procedures. It must be emphasized that the pathological condition must be adequately severe to be classified by the standards of western medicine as the classification standards of Iridology are different. The various laboratory tests that are being used to determine the presence or absence of disease are not totally efficient in the assessment of sub-clinical conditions. Acute and sub-acute stages of tissue inflammation can commonly be detected long before other diagnostic methods are capable of finding any health problems with the patient. In a similar manner, when a patient is declared "well" by the standards of Western medicine, Iridology frequently shows a sub-acute condition persisting in the individual.

German medical researcher, Walter Lang, has demonstrated that the autonomic nerve fibers from virtually every gland, organ and tissue of the body extend to the thalamus and hypothalamus which monitor and respond to changes of condition in all anatomical structures. These changes of state, Lang suggests, are relayed from the thalamus and hypothalamus through the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion to the motorneurons of the iris muscle structure. Changes in the impulses conducted by these motorneurons may be responsible for the changes in the muscle structure of the iris, leading to the gradual separation of iris fibers in the stroma and consequent appearance of the lesions and other markings familiar to iridologist. Lang also points out that the organization of the human nervous system is genotypic, and further postulates that innervation to the iris reliably represents is also genotypic, which accounts to the fact that the iris reliable represents the same organs, glands, and other anatomical subdivisions of the body in precisely the same locations in the irides of all individuals.

Hypothesis 5
Inherent weaknesses, inherent strengths and the degree of nervous system sensitivity are shown in the iris, respectively, by the crypts and separations in the trabeculae (the fibres in the iris); by closely knit trabeculae; and by parallel, curved cramp rings concentric with outer perimeter of the iris, all located in the ciliary zone outside the autonomic nerve wreath.

*** Scientific research has demonstrated that the posterior pigment epithelium and dilator muscle of the irides are embrylogically derived from neurectoderm, the tissue from which the central nervous system (brain and spinal chord) are also derived. Iridologist find that it is this similarity that reflects in the iris the genetic inheritance of the individual. It is assumed that the specific configuration and development of the dilator muscle somehow determine the radial arrangement and spacing of the vascular arcades (trabeculae) in the stroma above it. The fact that crypts and separated trabeculae represent inherent weaknesses in no way conflicts with the fact that the same structures allow aqueous humor to circulate through the irides.

The accuracy and reliability of iris signs as reflex indications of tissue pathology in the body have been confirmed in many thousands of instances by: laboratory tests, X-rays, and other commonly accepted diagnostic approaches. Recent research from clinical trials in South Korea from Aju University have shown that the validity of using iridology for predicting diseases ranges between 71.4% and 100% accuracy.

The accepted clinical results by the Korean Government include:

Diseases of the: % Accuracy
Digestive system 90.2%
Endocrine system 86.4%
Muscle/Skeletal system 72.2%
Nervous system 79.9%
Urogenital system 85.7%
Cardiovascular system 75%
Circulatory system 81.6%
Immune system 54.2%


Infrared Sauna has been well-researched and found to facilitate the elimination of toxic metals and pesticides/herbicides from the body. Many of our chronic patients spend a couple times a week in our Infrared Electric Light Sauna. Initially, many cannot even sweat normally because their autonomic nervous systems are completely shut down. After 3-4 Infrared Saunas they begin to sweat and excrete the poisons that they have been storing in their body's over many years.

The benefits of Infrared Sauna include:

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Enhanced sweating

  • Exercise benefits

  • Decongesting the internal organs

  • Fever therapy (hyperthermia) for infections

  • Tumors, radiation poisoning and mutated cells

  • Removal of toxic metals and xenobiotics


The therapeutic effects of Hyperthermia on the human body have been well- known since the 19th Century, mainly being indicated for inflammatory processes, usually accompanied by pain, and generally applied in oncology.
Methods used made it very difficult to obtain deep, controlled and harmless thermal increase and some required "invasive" techniques.

Since 1985 over 500,000 people world-wide have benefited from this method. Envita uses a "non-invasive" Hyperthermia method that provides all the advantages of a deep thermal increase- even in cerebral tissue - with none of the drawbacks of systems known up to that time.

Systems used to produce Hyperthermia dating back over a century were extremely varied.
Attempts were made to increase the temperature at a deeper level using external heat sources (conduction), thus generating the serious risk of skin burns.



Capacitive Electric Transfer (CET) is a method that allows the RF electrical current to be transferred "by capacity" (principle of the electrical capacitor) to the patient's body via a moveable external application electrode. This is covered with an insulating film which acts as dielectric and the body acts as a second plate of the capacitor. A return plate closes the circuit. The electric circulation through the resistive medium formed by the live tissues increases its temperature.

The Resistive Electrical Transfer (RET), introduced in 1994, is different from the CET in that basically the application electrode is not insulated, allowing the current to be transferred directly to the patient with less dispersion, thus obtaining an increase in temperature at a greater depth.

Increase of arterial circulation - vasodilatation -, giving rise to increased oxygenation and a decreased acidity of the tissues.

Increase of venous drainage with greater re-absorption of catabolites and decreasing of the oedema in areas with inflammatory processes.

Increase of the permeability of the cellular membrane, allowing better transfer of metabolites through it.

Speeding up of cicatrization of wounds.

Stimulation of the immune system and decrease of free radicals.

Hyperthemia is currently being applied in most medical specialities, particularly in:

  • Traumatology and Rehabilitation.
    Sports Medicine
    Neurosurgery and Neurology.
    Pain Clinics.
    Oncology : Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

1. Greater heat sensitivity of neoplastic tissues to hyperthermia due to its chronic ischemia and hypoxia and acid pH.

2. Lethal effect on tumoral cells at a temperature of 43ºC., depending on the application time. The application of repeated moderate hyperthermia at between 39 - 41 ºC can also produce a temporary growth stabilisation.

3. Prolongated action of the temperature inside the tumour - due to lower thermal dissipation caused by a chronic ischemia, as a result of its reduced vaso-regulation mechanisms -, that increases to an even greater degree of its ischemia, hypoxia and acidity typical of tumour tissue.

4. Alterations in the cycle of the neoplastic cells, which lead to the blocking of the mitosis in part of the cell population. The blocking seems to be due to a disruption in the synthesis phase of DNA (S-phase of the cell cycle).

5. Hyperthermia has a more marked action on the central core of tumour -necrotic, ischemic, hypoxic and with low pH-, which is less sensitive to radiation. In the tumour periphery -vascularized and with greater cell growth-, radiotherapy is more effective. The benefits of a combined action of Hyperthermia and RT and/or ChT were demonstrated many years ago.

6. It can facilitate apoptosis mechanisms, self -destruction of cells, which are normally absent in tumoral cells.

7. The "athermic" effect on cell cultures has shown a significant decrease of the neoplastic cell population and no undesirable effects on normal cells. This could be related to changes of the electrical potential of the neoplastic tissues.

A large body of medical evidence shows that when hyperthermia is used in combination with radiation therapy or chemotherapy there is a dramatic improvement in response rates.

A recent study comparing results from leading hyperthermia researchers showed that beneficial responses were obtained by only 33% of patients treated with radiation alone, compared to 67% when radiation therapy was combined with hyperthermia.


There are many diagnostic tests that are used at The DaVinci Natural Health Centre, but there is one called HRV that is a measure of total health and fitness. This is ideal for monitoring the progress of the patients treatment programme as comparisons can be made between initial testing and testing after treatment has begun.

At The DaVinci Natural Health Centre we also use HRV to determine:

  • The early signs of development of pathological processes or the presence of a functional disorder

  • The Level of Physical Fitness

  • Treatment Effectiveness

The test is very simple to use. First, the patient lies down for a few minutes with a chest strap sensor applied to their chest, which is linked to a computer. After a few minutes the subject stands up and remains standing for a few more minutes. During the test the monitoring device downloads the test data into the computer, where results are calculated by the Nerve-Express system.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a common problem that presents at the DaVinci Natural Health Centre. Each patient is unique in that the causes of the Chronic Fatigue is always different. It is therefore illogical to prescibe the same treatment to all CFS patients. At The Da Vinci Clinic we take all such patients through a thorough diagnostic programme in order to identify and eliminate the causative factors. We have seen CFS patients of 10-15 years standing who fully recover in 3 months after identifying their food intolerances, tooth and scar foci, underlying systemic Candidiasis, parasites, viral load and other causative factors.  

There are many possible causes of CFS - in our experience at The Da Vinci Clinic, having tested a number of patients over the years, there is never one cause but a number of them. Possible causes can include:

  • Heavy metal toxicity

  • Candidiasis

  • Toxins and hyperacidic body

  • Tooth foci

  • Scar foci

  • Food intolerances

  • Environmental allergens

  • Endocrine imbalances

  • Adrenal stress

  • Geopathic stress

  • Electromagnetic stress

  • Viral and bacterial load

  • Parasites

  • Immune compromised

  • Digestive problems and Leaky Gut Syndrome

  • Psychoemotional conflicts

  • Poor diet

  • Smoking, illegal drugs and alcohol

  • Chronic stress

Once the causative factors are identified, a bespoke treatment programme is developed that will eliminate the specific causative factors, as well as helping to repair and rebuild the body.


There are many similarities of the hands and feet to the body, namely in the number of protruding parts, their direction, the number of joints and segments of the protruding parts, likeness of the thumb to the head and others. This similarity or "homo" characteristic is commonly found in nature and natural therapies, and is a powerful prerequisite for therapy. The thumb correlates with the head, the forefinger and little finger with the arms, the third and fourth fingers with the foot, and the palm corresponds to the trunk. There are innumerable controlling pressure points on our body.

By finding the "pressure-pain" points on the hand and foot that correspond to the pain in the body, it is possible to stimulate these points of correspondence using a variety of techniques to cure the pain or health problem in question. Since the hand is Yang and the foot is Yin, using hand and foot makes it possible to treat in harmony with Yin and Yang. We have four clinics on our bodies - 2 hands and 2 feet that can help to cure over 90% of our health problems, if we understand their topography and use it accordingly. This correspondence system opens new understandings and methods to care for human health in general as well as to prevent and cure specific diseases. Knowledge of the principles of this "remote control system" and their health implementation through hand and foot therapy provides an impressive vehicle for health care.

When the precise correspondence points are found and stimulated, there is almost always an immediate response of the patient within seconds to a few minutes. The relief of pain is incredibly fast, no matter what the aetiology may be. There is no other natural method of treatment known today that has such a dramatic and efficient effect on pain conditions.

The identified correspondence points can be stimulated in various ways: small micro-needles, natural seeds (good for children and infants), grains, natural stones, artificial stimulators such as metal and magnet stars of various shapes that have been specially designed for Su Jok treatments, rubber bands for hemorrhaging and ball bearings or Tsu balls. Moxa (heat treatment) can also be used for weakened patients, as well as light impulse devices, solar therapy using the sun's rays or simple plant twigs or other parts of a plant. The therapist can also use metal rollers for more general stimulation of many points and Cayenne plasters to deal with coldness conditions. There are numerous combinations, which can be given to the patient to do as part of the home treatment programme.

There is a whole system of Su Jok Therapy that has been formulated, and can be used in emergency cases such as heart attacks, external and internal bleeding, and others. The hand is literally a complete hospital with many departments that are on standby to deal with any situation as it arises. 

Knowing the exact correspondence points on the hands will enable any practitioner to quickly and effectively stimulate these points using a simple probe, which can be carried easily in your pocket. The beauty of Su Jok Therapy is that it can be practiced without any equipment or remedies anywhere, anytime with anyone. Indeed, in India where there are many Su Jok Therapists, each doctor can see and treat up to 300 patients per day with minimal cost! There are no limitations to the combinations of techniques that can be used effectively - the only restriction will be the creativity of the practitioner.

In emergencies Su Jok Therapy is very fast and effective, and where the therapist does not have a probe they can use keys, branches of trees, nails, stones - I have even used chop sticks and a pencil effectively. For example, with cardiac cases, a simple massage of the correspondence area of the heart will alleviate pain in minutes. After the initial massage, if there are blood vessel contractions, moxa can be used to effectively relax the blood vessels. With internal hemorrhage, the therapist can use a rubber band around the correspondence area, as well as stimulating this area using a probe. When there are skin burns it is possible to find and stimulate the correspondent points until the pain decreases, as well as use black seeds to reduce heat, followed by green seeds to help repair the skin. In acute appendicitis, simply find the correspondence points and stimulate them. With kidney stones and colic the therapist can use moxa on the kidney correspondence area, as well as using red kidney beans (the more similar, the more powerful the therapy). Acute coughing can be stopped in minutes by stimulating the "coughing area" of the fingers.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Learn to Treat Yourself without Medicine

What is SU JOK?

Su = hand and Jok = foot. Korean words relating to a Therapy that employs hands and feet as treatment areas for the whole body.

Professor Park, Jae Woo is a Korean scientist and philosopher. He is the originator of Su Jok Therapy. Through his scientific works he has developed a number of simple and effective systems of treatment, which have gained wide acceptance all over the world among practitioners and lay people alike, He has great perception and is able to explain oriental wisdom in terms of modern science and Is a visionary par excellence.

On our hands and feet we host correspondence systems. The systems are highly active points connected to every area of the body through correspondence positioned below the surface of the skin. When these globules are stimulated energy waves are passed to the corresponding organ and to the brain, do not be misled, this therapy does not parallel reflexology apart from using the hands and feet as maps of the body. Correspondence areas and treatment is carried out in a very different manner, utilizing a variety of effective correction techniques.

If you look at the hand, it bears an uncanny resemblance to the structure of the body. Take first the thumb, it has two phalanges and resembles the head and neck. If the thumb had been placed at the centre of the wrist, it would be blatantly obvious that the hand is unmistakably an exact replica of the body. However, Prof. Park, Jae Woo’s intuition showed him, without doubt, that even with the thumb positioned off centre it is head, palm is trunk and fingers are appendages - arms and legs.

The top part of the thumb, palm side (yin), is face and positioned below the nail plate on the yang side is the brain. Under the first joint is the neck; on the yin surface is the location of the throat and on the yang surface the cervical vertebrae.

Now flex your thumb and notice the shape beneath, which resembles the thorax. This area is the correspondence area for the lungs, with the heart positioned between the lungs, slightly off centre to the left, with the apex sifting on the life-line crease; this crease indicates the line of the upper diaphragm.

And so we are able to continue through the body, with exact mirror images of all organs, body systems and appendages mapped onto the hands and feet.
To carry out effective treatment, the therapist first carries out a consultation with the client to ascertain the nature of the problems presenting which will enable the therapist to make a treatment plan.

Accurate Identification of the point to be treated is only halfway to successful treatment. For treatment to be effective, one must stimulate the point correctly. This is achieved in different ways.
Level - 1 Basic teaches:

  1. The History and Development of the Correspondence Systems Concept
  2. Homo - Hetero Law and Homo-System of the Human Body — Introduction to Triorigin
  3. Similarity of Hands to the Body
  4. Similarity of Feet to the Body
  5. Correspondence to the Yin and Yang Surfaces of the Body
  6. Standard system of correspondence
  7. Insect system of correspondence
  8. Mini system of correspondence
  9. Contra-indications and Contra-actions to treatment
  10. How to Identify Acute or Chronic Conditions
  11. The basic methods of treatment
  12. Intro, to Equipment and Methods of stimulation

Level - 2 Intermediate teaches:
Energy flow treatment

  1. Introduction to Metaphysical Theory
  2. Byol Meridian Therapy
  3. Five Elements Theory
  4. Subjugation and Anti-subjugation cycles
  5. Colours - Emotions / Reasons
  6. Tri-origin
  7. Six Xi Theory
  8. Manifestations of Six Energies
  9. Application of Six Energies to Treatment
  10. Byol Chakra System

Scientifically proven therapy using hands and feet as maps of the body — does not parallel reflexology. Correspondence areas and treatment is carried out in a very different manner, see back of leaflet.

  • Acupressure
  • Moxa
  • Needling
  • Seeds (external application)
  • Colours
  • Light
  • Magnets
  • 5 Elements
  • 6 Ki etc. etc.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movement Therapy

Movements in Harmony...

What is Movement Therapy?
Movement Therapy consists of Twist Therapy, Twist Gymnastics, Triorigin Smile Taiji, Twist Walking and other techniques. The movements are simple and can have a big effect on the health and well being. The methods can be used both for general strengthening of muscles and energy system and as effective treatment methods. The Spiral Movements are developed by professor Park Jae Woo and the Spiral Motions Institute in cooperation with medical doctors and experts of tai chi, yoga, gymnastics etc.

Twist Therapy
Twist Therapy is an effective method to treat problems with joints and muscles as well as problems in inner organs and disturbances in the energy systems /meridians, chakras etc.

Triorigin Smile Tai Chi
A form of tai chi dong that follows the same general principles as other Spiral Movements. The movements are developed to strongly harmonize the practitioner with the natural energies.

Twist Gymnastics
Twist Gymnastics is a quick and joyful way to increase physical strength and general well being. It consists of lots of movements that all follows the same general principles.